Since my last entry (which was over a year ago? really?), I've started keeping a prayer journal. Now, I'm like Anne of Green Gables, in that I don't think we need to limit our prayers to set times, like before bed... And God already knows what's on our hearts, so sometimes we just need to feel the prayer. The important part is communicating with God from the heart, and bringing him our petitions as they arise. I pray several times throughout the day, whenever something strikes my mind or my heart, but to help me organize my prayers more, I've been keeping a journal of specific prayers for specific people, so as not to forget them. It's helped immensely.
If you're like me, there's so much going on all day long that, by the time you make it to bed, either you can't shut your brain off and insomnia kicks in, or you're out before you hit the pillow . If I try and save my prayers til the end of the day, I usually end up falling asleep before I'm finished. Instead, I've found there are dozens of other opportunities during the day... During a morning run, in the shower ('cause really, how much thinking does it take to wash your hair?), driving in the car, etc...
This helps me feel close to God's presence all day long, and it makes it instinctually easy to say a quick prayer whenever a worry arises, or I pass an accident on the highway, or something goes right and I need to say thanks. It has made my life immeasurably easier, and my faith inevitably stronger, something I pray for my friends, loved ones, and strangers on a regular basis.
More updates and insights "soon"...