Friday, February 29, 2008

A Typical "Kate Moment"...

Close friends and colleagues will tell you I have an unintentional, self-depricating sense of humor. I say unintentional because, despite my hair color, IQ, and book smarts, I closely fit the typical "blonde stereotype"... In short, I can be a bit of an airhead, and am constantly learning to "look before I leap." Unfortunately, these lessons usually come about after a bout of extreme ditzyness... like yesterday afternoon...

A college friend was in town yesterday, and we met for lunch at a local greasy spoon. I was having serious issues with one of my contacts, and was without my usual supply of eyedrops. When I'd finally had enough, I used my spoon to scoop some water from my glass into my palm, and took my contact out to wash it off (yes I know it is poor manners to clean your contact off at the table, but the bathroom was filthy). I was feeling pretty proud of myself for being innovative, and thinking to use the water from my glass... until I put my contact in, and felt an incredible, blinding burn... Yes, I had forgotten that I had already squeezed a slice of lemon into my water glass!

It was one of those "I can't believe I just did that!!" moments, but it provided both of us with a good laugh, mostly because this was not an atypical sort of occurance for anyone brave enough to accompany me out in public...