Well, I just heard back about the RC job I interviewed for last week, and it wasn't what I had hoped, but it wasn't necessarily bad either...
I was told I was one of two finalists, but since the other applicant had asked to be added to the waiting list first, the job was given to her. However, the residence life director told me she really wants me to work for her again, and it 90% sure on of the other RCs will be leaving to take another job. If he does, the job is mine, and I'll know for sure on May 12th... The best part is, she ended with, "I have a feeling God's going to work everything out." and I 100% agree with her... I'd been doing some heavy-duty praying about this position, and feel totally at peace with the results...
I feel less at peace with the realization that I am finally running out of funds and will have to deduct next months rent from my savinds account, so the job hunting has now gone into hyper-drive... Keep praying, Kate, keep praying...